Din standard gasket ring measurment chart

2024-05-12 | Blog Message

Gaskets specification


DIN125A - (ISO7089-NEN2269A)

DIN125B - (ISO7090-NEN2269B)

DIN126   - (ISO7091-NEN2268)

DIN9021 - (ISO7093-NEN76)






Gaskets material


Metal : such as copper gaskets , red copper gaskets ,  aluminum gasket , steel gaskets , stainless steel gaskets , red steel paper gaskets etc

plastic: nylon gaskets , PVC gaskets , Soft PVC gaskets etc

Rubber : NBR gaskets , EPDM gaskets , FKM gaskets etc




Remarks: Above all dimensions are for reference only and do not have any legal responsibility.

             All interpretation rights belong to Topseals.


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